SSAW paipa

  • Vertinole Spiral Shiral Weld Steel Paipa

    Vertinole Spiral Shiral Weld Steel Paipa

    Spiral ulded paipa o se mea ua malepelepe i le vaega o le gaoi paipa. This type of pipe has a seamless surface with welded seams and is made by bending and deforming steel strips or plates into various shapes, including round and square, and then welding them together. O lenei gaioiga e totoina ai se malosi ma faʻatuatuaina fausaga e maua ai le sili atu le malosi ma le tumau.

  • Spiral Walded Carbon Steel paipa mo le faatauina atu
  • When constructing underground natural gas pipelines, material selection is critical to ensuring the safety and efficiency of the infrastructure. Hollow section structural tubes, especially spiral submerged arc tubes, are becoming increasingly popular due to their superior strength, durability and corrosion resistance. I lenei blog, o le a tatou suʻesuʻeina le taua o le-

  •   Fai se taua taua i le felauaiga o le tele o suavai ma kesi. A filifilia le ituaiga sao o paipa mo se poloketi, Spiral Seam na filifilia paipa e masani ona filifilia. O nei paipa e faʻaaogaina lautele i Alamanuia ona o lo latou faʻatuatuaina ma le aoga. Aemaise lava, API 5L Ling paipa o se faʻataʻitaʻiga lauiloa mo lapoa lapoa na ufitia ai paipa ona o lona maualuga tulaga lelei.

  • A oʻo mai i lalo o le suauʻu kesi suauʻu, o se tasi o le sili ona taua vaega vaega o le filifiliga o metotia e faʻafesoʻotaʻi ai paipa. 

  • O le tatau ona faʻamalieina le vai, e faʻamasinoina ai femalagaiga vai e aoga i le gafataulimaina ma le atinaʻeina o soʻo se nuu. From delivering water to homes, businesses and industry, to supporting agriculture and firefighting operations, well-designed groundwater line systems are essential infrastructure. O le a tatou suʻesuʻeina le taua o le vaeluaina o paipa ma lana matafaioi i le fausiaina o se malosi ma le tumau o le eleele vai o loʻo tufatufaina ai.

  • I le tele o mea e maua ai le tusiata o le tusiata ma le inisinia, o alualu i luma alualu i luma o loo faʻaauau ona toe faauu pe āiga poloketi. O se tasi o fou fou o le under uld ulded uamea paipa. The pipe has seams on its surface and is created by bending steel strips into circles and then welding them, bringing exceptional strength, durability and versatility to the pipe welding process. This product introduction aims to illustrate the salient features of spiral welded pipe and highlight its transformative role in the oil and gas industry.

  • Spirity Welded paipa o se mea taua e mafai ona faʻaaogaina i pisinisi eseese ma fanua. With its excellent structural integrity and durability, it has become an indispensable component in water supply projects, petrochemical industry, chemical industry, electric power industry, agricultural irrigation, and urban construction. Pe mo le suavai fesiitai, kesi fesiitai poʻo le fausaga o faʻamoemoe, spiriral welded paipa o se faʻataʻitaʻiga ma le lelei filifiliga.

  • Spiral Remmerted Arc Weld Paipa mo le Vaitau Vaitaimi

    Spiral Remmerted Arc Weld Paipa mo le Vaitau Vaitaimi

    Across the vast landscape of modern industry, engineers and professionals are constantly looking for superior solutions to meet the diverse needs of infrastructure and transportation. I totonu o le tele o avanoa o loʻo maua ai le gaosiga tekinolosi,(SSSAW) ua tu mai o se filifiliga faatuatuaina ma taugata. O lenei blog o loʻo faʻaalia e faʻamalamalamaina ai i le tele o penefiti ma luʻitau e fesoʻotaʻi ma lenei fou paipa gaosi.